Price: $9.99
Format: e-book
I’m going to give you a secret for how to turn $100 into $25,000 in 6 months, or how to turn $1,000 into $50,000 in 6 weeks. All while trading just 3 day trades a week, and not more than 20 minutes each trade. And all without any headaches, stress, anxiety or loss of sleep. And once you do it, you’ll know how to do it again…
Whether it’s your 5th year, your 10th year, or even your first month of trading, you already know how much of toll that trading can take on you. I’ve been there. I blew three trading accounts! I nearly ruined my day job. And I let family and friends down, all because I was trading the wrong way. Even if my heart and intentions were in the right place, I was clueless.
But on the verge of blowing up my account for fourth time, and down to my last $100, something finally clicked. I told myself, “Calm down.” And the very next trade I took, I lost $95 of the remaining $100 that I had in my account. womp, womp, womp…
But that was the lost that changed everything for me.
That was day “calm down” became sort of a mantra for me. And that’s when I began the grueling process of unlearning all of the things that contributed to me trading the wrong way. That was the day I began to develop my own system and method for trading, The Said Method.
Today, I’m financially stable, independent, and I’m solidly on the road to growing significant wealth. Because of this, I’m excelling in my publishing career, in ways I didn’t imagine years ago, and I feel great, at easy, and happy. A far cry from where I was a couple of years ago.
Having gone through I what I’ve gone through in 5 years of trading (seems like an eternity), I know that there’s lot of other traders out there like me. Traders who have been through the ringer with trading, but who believe that quitting is not the answer — Traders who believe in themselves, who believe they can ultimately figure this trading thing out and prosper. Or traders who’ve just begun and do not know what’s awaiting them.
When I was going through it all, struggling and at my lowest, I made a promise to myself that, once I figured it out — I mean really figured it out — I’d write a book detailing my method, system, and process to help other traders. And Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY is that book.
Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY will show you a great deal about trading, but there’s two things in particular that it will teach you:
1) How to identify safe, consistently profitable trades ONLY trading the $SPY
2) How to get your mind right with trading so that you can “calm down” and continue to lead a fulfilling life while you grow wealth.
The mind-right part is crucial. if your mind is not right, your emotions are not right, and that leads to bad decisions. Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY will show how to keep your mind right while trading.
The Checklist that lets you know that this book is for you.
If anything on the following checklist applies to you, Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY is the book for you.
- Your trading strategy consists of you waiting for and taking other people’s alerts.
- You’ve blown your account at least one time before.
- You struggle with the day-to-day psychology of trading.
- You don’t know how to turn $1,000 into $3,000 in four weeks using just three Day Trades a week and no more than 30 minutes per trade.
- You don’t know how to use a 5 or 15-minute ORB.
- You don’t know what’s the best Expiration and Strike to take.
- You haven’t developed your own philosophy about trading.
- You don’t know how much time to spend trading each day.
- You’ve recently blown your account, once again.
- You don’t understand the phrase “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.”
- You don’t know the difference between Safety Level and Risk Level.
- You don’t know why Stop Loss/Take Profit is mostly a tool for locking in profit.
Trading Options Is the Focus
While the psychology, philosophy, and strategy detailed in Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY can be applied to any stock and to the market in general, i.e. buying and selling common shares, this book is specifically tailored to trading Options.
Something important to know about me
I’m not someone willing to stay chained to trading a desk for 8 hours a day (or even 1 hour!). That’s not my approach to trading, nor does it align with my trading philosophy. Moreover, I run a publishing company, so my full-time job does not permit me to spend hours “speculating” and trying to predict market outcomes. If that’s your game and strategy, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. It will only give you a headache if you’re not willing to unlearn most of what you know.
But if you have demanding full-time job and careers; if you have a family and want to provide consistent wealth for them; if you’re an entrepreneurs; if you want to break free from a dead-job, Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY is for you.
Finally, I’m not a financial advisor; I’m not a stock market “expert”; I’m not a FinTwit guru; I don’t run a Discord; and I’m no genius. (Warren Buffet, one of the world’s greatest investors, has often said, “You don’t have to be intelligent to get rich trading the stock market.”) Who I am, however, is someone who understands how systems operate and how human psychology can work against us when we focus on the wrong things.
Based on my understanding of the market as a system, I have developed a simple, defense-first method and system that focuses on the right things. My method leads to the safest trades and consistent gains in the least amount of time. Once you read Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY, you will immediately have the rare know-how to routinely secure consistent gains and grow wealth.
Trading is only complicated if you make it complicated. And less is always more when it comes to trading.
There’s an infinite level of information you could learn about trading. But the truth is, there are really only a few things you need to know to be successful. However, if you never learn these things, you’re never going to be successful. And since so few people know these things, chances are, most traders never survive long enough to learn the things they need to know.
It takes time to learn how to trade, to get the know-how to be consistently successful. But it doesn’t have to take forever. If I knew 5 years ago what I know now — what you can learn in 24 hours reading Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY — I would’ve been rich 5 years ago, and it would have spared me years of unnecessary agony and losses!!
Most people quit trading before they ever come close to figuring it out. (I was fortunate; I survived). But as with anything, how fast you learn something depends on what you choose to learn, where you choose to learn it, and from whom you choose to learn. If you choose Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY, you’ll have that know-how within 24 hours.
DISCLAIMER : Nothing in Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY is financial advice. This book contains only my personal philosophy about trading the market, manifested in my method and my daily system for trading the $SPY index.
Now, here’s what you also get in addition the book:
FREE updates to the Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY.
Lifetime FREE copies of all future books in the Best Damn Trading series.
FREE access to the Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY FAQs page, which includes updated commentary and extended examples on everything in the book.
My Guarantee
30-Day money double-back GUARANTEE!! If Best Damn Way To Trade the $SPY doesn’t immediately improve your understanding of trading and help you learn how to make gains, consistently and safely, trading the $SPY, I’ll give you your money back, plus one time what you paid.
Thank you!